Monday, June 09, 2008

touching base...

mood: uncomfortable.
state i'm in: orthopaedically bored.
tune: madonna 'swim'

i feel so enormously out-of-touch with my regular musings here. the life away from brisbane has taken it's toll.

so i'd like to make amends and get this thing kick-started again.

when you're out of touch with a friend, it gets harder and harder with each day to regain contact. there is more and more to tell them about and it just feels like such an ordeal that you don't bother... and then it gets harder still. sort of feels like that with my blog, much like a friend.

so where to start? i could start where i left off... in reality however, i left off about novemeber last year. still haven't posted any pics from suffien and my little road trip through new south wales and canberra for emma and clay's wedding. never posted a great deal in nambour. managed to post absolutely nothing when away in rockhampton and woorabinda for my rural rotation, in spite of this being one of the experiences of my life.

i guess i'll just write about what's going on now, and intersperse it with experiences from over the preceding months.


being back in brisbane isn't too bad. true, spending virtually all of my 28 years in this city have made me a little less than excited by what it offers, but i know it could be so much worse (read rockhampton). i have some great friends here, made both pre- and post-entry to med, then there is the lovely suffien, and of course there is my family. watching my niece grow up has to be one of my favourite hobbies.

internal medicine and rural rotations are out of the way, which sees me at the royal brisbane and womens, and wesley hospitals for surgery rotation, starting with orthopaedics. i won't say too much about it, except that whilst i don't mind orthopaedics, orthopaedic surgeons, for the most part, are a whole different story.

more to come...

1 comment:

Adrian said...

I can't resist myself from cannulating that one vein that runs around your middle extensor tendon. Is 16G OK?